Jumat, 17 April 2009

New Story....

Friends, you know...

karna b.ing ada tugas untuk narrative text
suruh bikin cerita Cinderella, tapi boleh dimodifikasi gt ...
akhir ny mau gg mau ak buat .
malah akhir ny jadi keasyikan .. kebanyakan malah jadi ny .
hehehehe .

kalo dipikir2 malah jadi kayak fanfic yaa ..
haha .

kalo temen2 mau tau cerita ny .
gini lho summary ny . .

Once upon a time, there was a big happy family in the small village. I'm one of the family members. I'm the daughter's James Nichole. My name is Cinderella Nichole. And my mother, Elizabeth Nichole was death. I just lived with my father. But, my father was sick and little by little he was death. I met with my new best friends, the mices. They are Tommy and Jimmy. I had new problem, I must work! I tought I could sewing dress for kingdom and selling the flowers. I went to the kingdom. There, I met with Aurora, Angel, and Princess Andromeda.
How Cindy to get the job? And how the story it'll be? Do Cindy met with her prince????
Ceck it out!!!

hehehe ...
maaf,, aku nggak bisa tulis cerita smua ny di sini ..
panjang banget soal ny ..
tapi,, I'll think about it.
yang jelass kepisah2 setiap chapter ny . .
kalo ada kritik, saran, usul ..
silahkan kasih komen .

1 komentar:

  1. Komen... Komen.. Critana mau lari ke mana? Kyaknya bakal keren nie....
